After the Tsunami

Well it’s about 10:15 am on Saturday morning and everything is ok.  I fell asleep last night waiting for the waves to come but nothing came while I was awake.  When I woke up this morning I looked outside and although the streets are a little wet up here on the hill/mountain where we are, everything looks fine, thank goodness.  Although on the news I hear that the waves were much worse  in other areas and it didn’t come up as high in this area, there was some damage done because some of the streets are still closed down below.  All the buses are maneuvering their way around the hills because the main street from Valparaiso to Vina del Mar, Avenida Espana, is still closed.  I could hear the news saying that probably the most affect area in Chile is a beach in Concepcion, which is the same area that was hit badly last year when the tsunami came after their large earthquake. 

We are going to Santiago today to visit family and to take Angelica to the airport, so when we start driving I’ll be able to see a bit more of what happened.  I’m thankful that we are all ok and that nothing to serious happened here.  I’ll let you all know how my first trip to Santiago goes!!

About smartinez508

I attend Agnes Scott College in Georgia but am currently studying in Valparaiso, Chile for 5 months. I am studying at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso. This is the second time traveling outside the US and the first time alone. I am twenty years old and am excited and nervous about being alone in another country for so long but my new host family will ease the transition and make it bearable.
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